Monday, August 3, 2015


 Remember the two puppies we took her a few years ago?   Well, here's one of them. Lu lives near me-- he's a big boy at about 18 pounds.  And CUTE!!
His family is fostering Micky for us.  
 I picked up Micky in Richmond last week and met Paula so she could take him home.  We went to get him a new collar and a name tag.  
 Micky and Lu came to my house for a visit.  Chumley was checking them out.
 "Who is that?" says Chumley.
 We had a pack of Pekes outside!!   Chumley and Lu and Micky look so similar-- I can't tell who is who!
 In a close up, I have a better chance.   That's Micky in front-- his hair is a little longer.  Fluffy tails all over!
 This looks like one continuous dog!
 It's a meet and greet!
 Mickey checked out my yard, down to the creek and back.
 Lu is beautiful!
 Max sat up to get some attention-- you have to stand out (or up!) when there are so many around.
 Mickey is settling in.
 He is timid at first, and a little jumpy when you startle him.   We  don't know what he (and his brother and sister) went through before we got them, but we hope to overcome it.
 Sugar Bit was here and Micky was fascinated by her!
 He kept checking her out as she swung back and forth.
 "Who are you?  You don't look like a Pekingese."   He was mesmerized!
 I see that smile coming out-- he's feeling safe.
 It just takes time.
 Max can tell him being in our rescue is a good place to be!
 Oh, the face-- don't you just want to kiss him!!    I do!


  1. How I would love to have Mr Micky .... he is just so cute.

    Loved the photo's of Sugar Bit in the swing and there is nothing better than a pack of Peke's!

  2. Holy cow, it's been two years already, since I drove over to South Hill to get those two puppies?? LOL Lu looks wonderful!!!
