Friday, September 4, 2015


 I can't believe it's been five years since Beach Bit was born-- and now he has a little sister, Sugar Bit.  He loves her SO much!
 Beach Bit lives across the street, so I can see him every day, even if his mom and dad aren't at work.   (I take care of them both while parents are working.)
 Beach Bit loves to read, he loves planes, cars, drawing, running, golf, and any other sport.
 He is SO happy!  
 He loves seeing new things-- the Children's Museum last year was a big hit.
 He adores his cousins and is so excited when they are coming.
 He takes on everything with gusto!
 His little sister, though, holds that special place in his heart-- can you see the love on his face?   It's just incredible.   We had been afraid he might be jealous, but he's not.   It's pure love.
 He will do anything to help with her-- even lay in the dog bed while I take pictures!
Happy Birthday to my special birthday boy-- we all love you!
 And to make sure you get some Peke pictures today, here are some "fan" pictures.   Madeline was in front of our porch fan, which is pretty strong.   I thought it would blow her away!
 Peanut got in front of it, too--- it can catch this side, and the other side, and......
 And Starlight is waiting for her turn-- "Turn on the fan, Mom!!"


  1. A Big old HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIT !!!!!

    Oh boy Linda .... he has grown .

    Have a extra piece of cake Beach Bit for your mates in Aussie - Melinda and Coco :)

  2. I second what lady jicky said - he has sure grown!! Love the photo of the two of them in the dog bed!!
