Thursday, September 3, 2015


Millie came into rescue in July.   She had been left in a crate on the side of the road.   What kind of person does that?   Her chance of being hit by a car was high-- thankfully, someone stopped.
She had a microchip, and the shelter found that she had been adopted from the shelter in 2009.   Six years later, she was back in the shelter.  
Her skin was awful, but is so much better now, six weeks later (this is the before picture).  
The shelter would not allow her to go to anyone but a rescue group-- they felt her chances were better that way.  We agree.   We do a lot of checks before someone can adopt-- these dogs have been through enough.
Millie is only 12 pounds and is being fostered in the Roanoke area.   We have an application for her, and are waiting for her medical to be finished.   When a dog is not healthy on intake, we cannot just "fix" everything right away.   It takes time.
Millie is super sweet and we can't wait for her to have her own forever home-- just like we want for every foster dog we have.    We love you, Millie!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hell Linda .... what sort of person does that to Millie ??????!!!!!!

    I am so thankful that you are around and I know you will not let Millie go to someone who will love her but .... BUT ... they get "sick of her" ..... if you want to have a dog .... its for LIFE ... not yours ... well , maybe --- but its for the life of the dog and you MUST take care of that living creature Lovingly and Honestly!!!

    I was so mad - sorry Linda.
