Wednesday, September 2, 2015


 Rusty came into rescue in 2012-- he came from a shelter near me and was full of fleas and had skin issues.   His hair was short and  missing in some areas-- this is a picture taken later after he was doing better.
 He was sweet and playful.
 Here he is with his "brother" (foster mom's dog), Tinsley.
 Rusty needed help with his eyes, and he had that help, seeing the ophthalmologist we are so lucky to have near us.  We are committed to doing all we can for our fosters, and I am so thankful for our supporters who do so much for us.   He was ready to meet  possible parents.
 Stacy came to meet him-- meeting several of our fosters.  To my delight, she adopted Rusty!
 He is now a spoiled, love, and cherished Peke.   (Look how beautiful his hair is now!)
 He is pampered-- just a bit. :-)
 He has all the toys he could want.
 His mom just got married!  So exciting!!  
Rusty has doggy friends, a mom and a dad who adore him.   It doesn't get much better than that!


  1. What a wonderful life Rusty has now!

    He was beautiful when he came into rescue Linda but he is more handsome now and his eyes are just so pretty and soulful .

    You ALL really do the Best Job to rescue these Peke's and it sure does show !!!!

  2. Stories like this Rusty story is the primary reason I come here first every morning. A cup of coffee and a Must Love Pekes story grids one up to face the assault of Donald Trump's political shenanigans and National and World News these days.
