Saturday, October 10, 2015


Daisy came into rescue with Roxy-- Roxy has been adopted (they did not need to stay together).   Her foster mom has sent me a wonderful description of sweet Daisy.  Here it is:
 Daisy is a sweet, laid back 12 year old Peke. She is low-key and is content to lay beside her human and sleep. She enjoys the outdoors and meanders around the yard following her person. She’ll eventually find a place in the sun and will rest and watch the world go by.
 When she came into the PVPC rescue, she was @5 pounds overweight.  Evidently, her owner did not know when to say ‘No’ to the treats. Daisy was on a special urinary treatment diet for over 2 months to treat a case of bladder stones.  The special diet, while clearing out ALL of the stones, is not conducive to losing weight. While she did not gain weight during that 2 months, neither did she not lose weight. She’s now on a W/D diet and, in combination with reduced portions and minimal treats, she has lost @12 ounces.  She’s making progress J
 She has an extremely thick, coarse coat. 2 days after she came into my home, off to the groomers she went. She got her ‘summer cut’ which is very short. She was more comfortable immediately. Her fur-ever parents will need to keep her groomed and her hair short……….for her comfort.
 I’ve been working with her as she does not like the leash. She does not resist it being hooked to her collar but, after it is hooked, she just sits down.
 I’ve made a little progress with this but still have a ways to go. She travels GREAT! She lays down, watches things around her and enjoys the ride.  (Here she is with Huri/Hurricane-- sharing a bed is fun!)
 She gets along well with my other pekes.  She may growl if they walk too close when she’s resting but all she does is growl. They hear her, they move out a bit and keep walking. She ignores the felines in my house. 
 .  When there’s company, she always greets everyone, will take all petting that becomes available and will then lay in her bed or on the floor to observe us humans.
She loves to cuddle and wants to be beside her human when that human is resting. She will be a caring and loyal companion for that special person!   Please contact us at or go to our website to fill out an application.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a lovely one Daisy is!!! I would adopt her in a flash if I lived in the US!

    I am doing my Adoption Dance for Daisy right now!!!!!
