Friday, October 9, 2015


 Lady was found in the winter (January) in the West Virginia Mountains in 2013.  A kind woman named Betsy saw her and stopped to get her.   Lady was so small and underweight-- who knows why she was outside alone.  
 She was taken to a vet and he said she had a bad heart murmur and was so thin.  Her eyes weren't good either.
 My friends, Peggy and Terry, volunteered to go get her.   As you can see, she wasn't a Peke-- she was a Japanese Chin.   Close enough!
 They fell in love immediately and said they would keep her.    They named her Lady-- and sometimes called her Lady Snaps.    They doted on her, loved her, gave her everything she needed.
Lady had almost 3 years with them.  She died very peacefully today in her little bed with the refrigerator still filled with the special treats she loved.   She will be so missed by her parents and her sibling Pekes, Arby and Raymond.   I'm so grateful to them for giving her such a life of love.   Run free, now little girl.


  1. Lucky Lady! So glad you were found and rescued. Then were given a loving and caring home until the end! RIP sweet one.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss ... what a sweetie Lady was and you gave her 3 delightful years :)
