Sunday, December 13, 2015


 I love Christmas!   When Christmas time begins (usually right after Thanksgiving here), I begin to decorate.   It takes about a week, because with grandbits and Pekes, I don't have uninterrupted time to do it.  That's just fine-- I love my dogs and Bits.
 The living room has a special tree that a friend gave me, and we set up Santa's village there.  Beach Bit loves to play there.  There is an old fashioned radio in the back, and we put on Christmas music.
 Floyd loves to help.   You can tell!   I don't know what his Christmases before were like, but this one will be full of love.   He is such a sweet boy.
 I tried to put antlers on him, but he was not too crazy about it.
 Little trees go up, manger scenes are everywhere, bears come downstairs and are given Christmas ribbons.
They take over the couch in the living room/office and Beach Bit loves them.   The playroom is now in the adjoining room, so it's one big playroom.
 Christmas houses are on top of the China Closet (it belonged to my grandmother-- I love family pieces).
 The main tree has a small baby gate around it-- I don't want the dogs or the baby to get under it.
 Christmas angels are ready to sing.
 Starlight has settled down to dream of sugar plums and reindeer.
 BELIEVE is my favorite word I think-- it is such an encouragement and is on a Christmas plate.  (The lamp is a very old ginger jar lamp, bought in Vietnam-- there's history there.)
I posted a picture of my Christmas Star on facebook.    This star was bought when my family lived in the far east when I was growing up.   It hung above our porch door.    When we came back to the states many years ago, I don't remember if it was hung.   I thought the star has disappeared in family moves.  But, eleven years ago, when I was cleaning out my mom's home and attic, I found a box, and in it was my beloved Christmas Star.  I hang it in the front window every year now.  It reminds me of my childhood, my mom and dad and the hope that is there for all who want to find it.    Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how wonderful you found that Star from your past ..... I bet its really , really special to you and it looks wonderful in your front window!

    Trees, decorations and Pekes all look fabbo too!
