Saturday, December 12, 2015


 Ladybug came into rescue in June, 2013--She was a senior who needed help.  Many rescues will not or cannot take on seniors, but we love them and want to do all we can for them.
 She had been rescued by a lady, who cared for her until rescue could step in.
 Ladybug was a little, precious Peke.  She needed surgery and a dental and meds for her eyes.
 She loved to be held.
 After she had her medical completely, she joined her new Peke family with Jeff.  
 She lived for 2 1/2 years with them and was greatly loved.
 I know her daddy will miss her so much-- thank you for giving her such a wonderful life.
You can run free now with your friends who have gone on before.   You will surely be missed.


  1. Farewell sweet little Ladybug and condolences to Ladybug's family. Ladybug had 2 1/2 years of unconditional love before crossing the Rainbow bridge.

  2. Oh , just read about Ladybug and I want to say to her family that you gave her the Best 2 1/2 yrs with so much love and care and that is a Wonderful thing!!!!

    Senior Dogs are fabulous !!!

  3. My Suzey Mae will be waiting to greet you across the rainbow bridge.
