Friday, December 18, 2015


 Bobby is waiting for Christmas-- he is a PVPC alumni.   Are you dreaming of Santa and his reindeer?
 I don't know if you remember the story of Peppermint, a Peke found in a ditch several years ago with her two tiny puppies.   They were all saved due to great vets and care.   Here she is with one of her puppies that stayed with her.   There is nothing like the heart of a rescuer when it comes to helping these little ones.  
 Rufus is thinking of all he wants for Christmas.
 I don't know what that would be-- he has everything already!
 Yodi has snuggled in for a long winter's nap-- or at least a nap that lasts til dinner.
 Petey is all ready for Christmas.   He got what he wanted already.....
 His foster brother, Peanut, is now a member of the family!  Yahoo!
 We helped a little Shih Tzu several years ago.   She has a baby sister now, and is so protective of her, making sure she is napping well and happy.
 Missy, Beth and David's girl, knows how to stretch it out!    Don't fall through!
 Cosme is just going to be cute-- that will get him everything he needs.
 And one of my favorites-- Tyler, adopted years ago.   He is an old boy now, but his mom keeps me updated on him.   I just love this little man.   He lives in California, but facebook and emails keep us connected.
 Maxine and her brother are best pals.   What are you getting for Christmas?
Elsa hopes she will have a new home soon.   She is doing so much better, now that she isn't as afraid.    Maybe that perfect home will see her and want her to join them after the New Year!
Are YOUR Pekes ready for Christmas??

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Elsa ..... I would adopt her in a heart beat if I was in the USA.
    I am doing my adoption dance for sweet Elsa !

    Today is very hot .... 101f and tomorrow will be 106f .... yes you read right!
    Thankfully Coco gets her summer trim tomorrow and then we are off to my grand daughters birthday in that heat ... I believe about 20 5 yr olds !
    I might need meds. or a long coooool drink !!! LOL
