Friday, February 19, 2016


 Norton came into rescue in 2013.   A shelter contacted us after he had been hit by a car.
 His left leg was broken, but his right paw was not injured as severely.  
 We thought he was about 8 at the time.  His eyes had some age to them, which is one way we estimate age (teeth and  arthritis are others)
 He was under 13 pounds at the time and needed a little weight.    He was super sweet!  He had his cast changed once a week and didn't fuss about it at all.
 He is relaxed and doing great in his adopted home.  He is loved so much.
Happy Adoption stories-- that's what we love!!


  1. Oh LInda ... what a beautiful boy Norton is ! Lovely colouring and I am so glad he now has a great home and loved :)

  2. What an expressive face he has. So glad that Rescue Jeanne found him a great home and he is doing well and being loved.
