Thursday, February 18, 2016


 Raymond came into rescue in January of last year.    His eyes were SO bad that we thought he might lose them both.    And notice-- he has no tail.   Where did it go, little Raymond?
 He needed help, and PVPC stepped up.   He was older, but so sweet and he needed someone to care.
 Look at him now!    He has a great home with a wonderful couple.   He has doggy and cat friends.   And look at his eyes-- eye drops have soothed and made them look and feel so much better.
 Raymond just finished a wild fight with his bed-- wow, there were casualties among the toys.   They were flung all over the place!    I don't think any were killed, they are up for playing anytime haha.
Raymond, we just love you and I know your mom and dad do, too!    It's amazing what love and care can do!


  1. Love that Raymond but .... I would not like to sleep with him!!!! LOL

  2. Oh how I love Raymond, his spirit and resolve to make the best of his life when given the chance and with a loving and caring family who looked beyond his disabilities. And I just love his little tail that was a result of something not of his own doing. Bless PVPC for being able to see that Raymond certainly had a future if given that helping hand(s) a new start if life.
