Wednesday, April 20, 2016


 Maximus-- now Max/Maxwell-- came into rescue in 2010.   He was an owner surrender.
 He was two years old and so sweet.   We have so many wonderful Pekes come through our homes.
 Beth and David fostered him and they discovered how much he loved his ball!  He could even "throw it back" to them.   Click here: YouTube - maximusball
 Great friends of mine adopted him.   She called me the other night to let me know he had hurt his back.   This can happen so easily with Pekes.   Having gone through this a number of times, I shared what I did for mine-- and her vet had given her good advice on Max's care.  (He's the second dog this week to have a back problem-- not counting my Kai Kai.)
 Max is resting in his crate, which is open at the top, so he doesn't feel shut in.   I love using playpens or open crates instead of closing in dogs.   So many we get have been crated so much that I hate to do that.   I know Max was kept in a crate all day with his previous owner, with no water available the whole time he was in there.   He came to us with a bladder infection.   Water is so important to have available all the time.
 Max doesn't want to move much right now, but he will soon and that's when it's important to still keep them still, not letting them run and jump.   It's takes time to get over a back injury.
Soon, he'll be playing with his ball again and having fun.   Get well soon, little one!

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Max ! Coco has a bad back and it can "go out" ..... the worst time we had to pen her for a month with pain meds and inflammatory ...... thankfully the rest worked and no Op!
    So Max ..... no ball playing for you .... put a TV in your crate and watch Downtown Abbey !
