Thursday, April 21, 2016


Rescue changes us.   This was written by a person who does rescue.  
It really touched my heart.    

 The neglect changes you.
The abuse hardens you.
The suffering breaks you.
The ignorance angers you.
The indifference disturbs you.
The injustice destroys you.
 On a daily basis…your faith will be tested.

Your heart will be wounded....
Your soul will be altered.

 On a weekly basis…you’ll question yourself.

You’ll question your strength.
You’ll question the world.

 On a monthly basis…you’ll fall down.

You’ll get up.
You’ll go on…

 On a yearly basis…you’ll look back…

You’ll see faces…
You couldn’t save them.
You’ll learn to mourn.
To grieve.
To sob.
You’ll learn to trust a little less.
To do a little more.
To fight a little harder.
You’ll learn to try.
To hope.
To pray.
You’ll learn to fail.
To succeed.
To accept.
You’ll learn when to hold on.
When to give up.
When to let go.
You’ll learn who you are.
What you stand for.
Why that matters.

 Then… at times… you’ll forget why you matter.

You’ll question what you’re doing.
You’ll wonder if it’s worth it.

 But…here’s the good news… When you forget…

When you question…
When you wonder…
All you have to do…
Is take a look around…
And you’ll see them.

 You’ll see their faces.

You’ll see their smiles.
You’ll feel their love.

 In their eyes, you’ll see their journeys…

You’ll remember their beginnings…
You’ll know how far they’ve come…
You’ll remember when they didn’t know you…
When they didn’t trust you…
When they’d given up.

 You’ll remember how you healed them…

How you loved them…
How they loved you, too.
And as you look back…
You’ll want to move forward…
For them… and because of them.

 In your darkest hours, you’ll look around…

To find the differences made…the hope given…
and the lives saved…
Because you existed.
In those moments, when you look into their eyes…
Every doubt will be erased.
Every question will be answered.
Every worry will subside.
Because in that instant…in each of your hearts…
You both share the very same thought: “Every bit of pain was worth it…for this moment here with you.”
And honestly…no matter what else happens…
Those moments hold all the strength you need…
To keep going.

Rescue is pain.
Rescue is joy.
Rescue is worth it…because they are worth it.
And that’s the honest truth.
~ Ashley Owen Hill

Thank you to all of you who have rescued, who have fostered, who have helped support us, who have encouraged us.    Thank you to those who help transport and loved even for the night until these little ones can get to us.    You have made a difference.    Thank you.


  1. So profound Linda !!!!

    * just a note .....where I get my dogs groomed , the lady (Patricia) has many rescued dogs that she has brought over to Australia - read $$$$ . Mui Mui was one she rescued in Hong Kong ... Patricia migrated to Australia and I have used her dog grooming for years.When I rescued Moi Moi she was named in Honour of Patricia's little dog called Mui Mui ...... today I had a email from her ... Mui Mui passed away yesterday - she lived to 14 . Mui Mui was a mix of Pekingese and Shih Tzu and she was in a Hong Kong pet shop ... sadly Mui had a back leg defect so no one bought her .... Patricia adopted her because no one wanted her. Mui Mui came to Australia and had a great life and I always said to Patricia ... if Mui Mui goes missing - she will be in my house - I loved her too!!
    Mui Mui is at the Rainbow bridge with her namesake ... my lovely Moi Moi .

  2. I cried the whole way through reading this. You have to be brave to be in rescue and strong, but the dogs are worth it and I will do my best to support you in your noble and compassionate cause of Pekingese Rescue.
    Doris Sturm.
