Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Bingo came into rescue in 2012.   
 He was terrified in the shelter and when they brought him out, the smile was one that showed he was SO happy!!
 He was in bad shape.  He was an older boy, with bad skin, fleas, and bad back legs.  
 Maria fostered him-- she was a foster mom before I came into rescue 14 years ago and she had a way with the needy ones.  
 Bingo made himself at home there.   He has bladder issues, walking issues, and trust issues, but he was in a  place where he could learn he was safe and loved.
 He came to one of the picnics and he reminded me so much of my Max (who is almost 13).   Bingo was about ten when we got him-- we always have to guess if there is no history for them.   He is going on 14 at least.
 His still managed to get around in his own way, but you could tell it would become more difficult.
 He was never adopted and as he has became older, his foster mom said she wanted to adopt him, so he wasn't an orphan anymore.   That made our hearts tear up-- what a kind thing to do.
Maria loves her boy and he loves her.   He may not have much time left, but he's been loved the entire time he has been with her.   That is the best way to live-- loved, safe, content.   You are a beautiful boy, Bingo.

1 comment:

  1. Maria and Bingo are meant to be together! What a handsome man he is!
