Wednesday, May 25, 2016


 I received a shelter email in February 2013.   It was for Abner, a 6 month old puppy who had an eye problem.
 He needed surgery to close his eyes more-- they were literally ready to pop.   He had several other eye surgeries and then got ready to go to his new home.
 We even made a sign for his new sister and brother.  
 Abner has had more surgeries on his eyes-- including cataract surgery (which came very early!) and his surgery was very successful, unlike my Kai Kai.  I'm so glad!
 Abner loved all the dogs at my home, and he continued to be a super sweet boy with other dogs.
 He came to the picnic with his brother and sister, Brody and Lily.
 He checked out the food, the people, the dogs....
 Abner is a therapy dog.  He goes to nursing homes, hospital, airports.    He knows how to encourage and soothe.
 He was waiting for someone here.
 He decided to take a rest while he waited.   He can "work" for 2-3 hours and that can be exhausting, but he is full of love the entire time.
 Yes, a nap on the way home can be essential.
 He has become friends with his cat sibling, Mate.   They have become BEST friends!!  
 It's a wrestling, love fest at nighttime.
Abner, you are SO cute.   If I could have kept another Peke, I would have kept you-- but rescue means letting go.   I'm so glad your mom and dad keep letting me know how you are doing and how they share you with me!  Love you, sweet little man!  You could not have gone to a better home!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's very important to let people know how a Peke is going if you adpoted them from a fostered home !!
    People have put so much energy into this little dog and they must know who this little being is doing and feeling!!!
