Thursday, May 26, 2016


 This sweet ten pound Peke came to us from a shelter near me.    Our rescue has a wonderful relationship with them and they asked if we could take this adorable boy.
 He has a terrible mouth-- we were able to do a dental and he kept five teeth.   WOW.  It's amazing how awful his teeth were, but he is fine now.  
 He came to visit yesterday, so I could take him to the Richmond area for his new foster home.    He made himself at home.
 Which way should I go?
 He wandered the porch-- which has been taken over by Sugar Bit toys.
 He "visited" Sugar Bit's playpen while I got ready-- one of the dogs was interested in him and I didn't want Jasper to stress.   He has a very bad heart, so we want to keep him comfortable.   He is on heart meds and will be with his new foster mom as long as he needs her.   The vet doesn't think he has a lot of time, but these little ones are amazing, so he may be with us for awhile.
His foster mom sent me this picture-- after he met everyone, and followed her around the house, he laid down beside her for a nap.  It was a long day, moving to a new house and he did great!  I love this little fluffy butt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is adorable and with modern heart meds. Jasper could be here for sometime - I am praying for sweet Jasper :)
