Wednesday, June 15, 2016


The Rescuers Creed
I promise I will take your unwanted animals. I will heal their wounds, their diseases, their broken bones.  (Midnight above loves his new home.)    
 I will give them the medical attention they need and deserve. I will nurture their starvation, and give them a warm place to sleep. (Gatsby above, came into rescue with a large cancerous tumor on his foot.   His leg will have to be amputated to give him a chance.   As soon as his bloodwork is okay, the surgery can be done.   This is the sweetest Peke we've ever had.  He deserved to be cared for long before we got him.   We'll do all we can for him.)
  I will spay and neuter them, vaccinate them against the diseases that can harm them. I will treat them and honor them. I will buy them toys, blankets, balls, and teach them to play.  (Bink and Willie above hold paws while they rest.  They are so sweet together.   Both were rescues and know what it is to now be safe and loved.)
 I will speak softly to them. I will try to teach them not to fear, not to cry, and not to hate. I will whisper sweet, kind, gentle words into their ears, while gently trying to stroke away their fear, their pain, and their scars.   (Helping with transport-- Pekes are great helpers!)
 I will face their emotional scars and give them time to overcome them. (Isabelle is smiling at her dad-- happy girl!)
  I will socialize them, potty train them, teach them to be obedient, show them dignity, and hold their paws, and stroke their ears.  And if they have endured too much, I will walk them over the Rainbow Bridge. (Callie, my daughter's new Walker Hound, and her old girl, Pandy, adopted from us in 2004.Pandy is about 16-17 years old now.)
 Most of all I will teach them Love.  (Amy, white one, was adopted from us six years ago.  Here she is with her sister, Bridgette.   They adore each other.)
Shark knows what it is to be rescued.   To be loved, to be cared for, to have a home.   Rescue is caring for the unwanted, giving them a chance.   Thank you all who help us in this mission.   You are the best!!


  1. And you all are the BEST too!!!!

  2. To Jeanne and all of you have fostered, helped transport, donated, helped to save and nurture one of these lovable little ones, my thanks to all of you for all you do to help save these little bundles of joy.

    We have a wonderful little one Jeanne helped us get last year and she has become part of our family.

    Thank you all for all you do to help these fur babies.

