Thursday, September 15, 2016


 Boo belonged to a friend of mine.   Sarah adopted him as an older boy, and gave him a life of love.
 I loved the pictures she posted on facebook of him-- he was SO CUTE!
 Like many Pekes, he had a really long tongue!
 Boo began to not feel well.  It's always so hard when they get older and we just can't make them young again.
 His mommy loved him so much.   Losing him was really hard. This is a friend, Sherry, when she visited.  Peke lovers stay together.
 Even though he's gone, he will always be in her heart.
 He was a precious boy.   His mom did something I think is wonderful.
 She decided to give another senior dog a home.  Several people were involved in his transport, like this wonderful lady.   We are grateful to those who help transport!!
 Benny is an older boy, and I think he's going to help bring joy to Sarah's heart.
I'm full of admiration to her for adopting another senior.   And I know sweet Boo must be smiling down at her for giving him a life.   Hugs to you, Sarah!!  (I try to do farewell blogs on the special ones who pass away,  But, when I saw that Sarah was going to adopt another to honor her Boo, I wanted to do something special for her.   I think she is a special lady.)


  1. I think she is a special lady too.

    You know , many people think taking a older dog is "a lot of trouble" but ... honestly , many are not!
    Sure some older animals have terrible medical problems but .... you know what .... so do many puppies!

    So ... if a Older one catches your heart - go there. :)

  2. Sarah has a heart of gold. I'm so thankful for her love for these precious babies! Every day of love for these treasures matters so much, and they are so deserving of great love...which sweet Sarah gives so well! <3

  3. We think Sarah is pretty special, too, just lik all of her babies!!
