Saturday, September 17, 2016


We sometimes take a dog into rescue and find out there is almost no chance they will be adopted due to medical issues.   Joyful Grace is one of those.   She has thrived under the care of her foster mom, but she is still a very fragile girl with a bad heart.   She needs to remain with her foster mom, in a stable place, where her stress is low.
Floyd is with me.   He came to me almost a year ago and had obviously been through a lot.  He has a broken pelvis that we cannot repair (probably a car accident), he has a seizure disorder and his heart has a bad heart murmur, so he is on heart, pain and seizure meds.   He came to me for hospice care-- but he didn't know that.  He seems to know how to monitor his activity, and he follows me all over.   He plays at times, for less than a minute and will then rest.   He is the sweetest boy.
 This was taken several years ago at the picnic-- Charlie and his brother, J.J. below, came to us as seniors.   They had medical issues and no one ever applied to adopt them.
 Both of them were really rough looking when we got them, and their foster mom has done wonders.   We will continue to care for them until their time comes.
 Bingo came into rescue four years ago as a senior.  His excellent medical and foster care made him look like a star, but he still couldn't walk well and his foster mom adopted him earlier this year to make him "her own" when he passed away.   He has been greatly loved.
 Tucker-- oh my, he is so cute.   His bloodwork was so bad, the vet suggested letting him go.   His foster moms gave him a little time, tried a few things, and TADA!   He rallied!   He is still eating and getting around and will stay with them until it's time to go.
 McKenzie came into rescue two years ago as a 13 year old.   Before he came to us, he was kept outside, was full of kidney and bladder stones and in pain.   Surgery was done, he was given a lot of care and love.   He needed ongoing treatment.   He is now letting us know his time is very close-- and his foster mom, who  has loved him deeply, will be with him as he says good-bye.
 Rudy came to us as a 15 year old.   We just didn't want him to die in the shelter.   He is really slowing down now, having a hard time getting up.   His time may be getting closer, but it's not today.   He is so devoted to his foster mom, and she is making his final time one of love.
Shelby first came to us in 2012.  She had been found as a stray.  We had her vetted and her eyes desperately needed drops.   We started her on those.  Her owner was found, and we returned her, with all the vet records and eye drops.   Three years later, the owner contacted us and asked us to take her back.   Of course, we did.   Her eye drops were returned to us-- the same bottle we had given years before.   :-(   Now, she is getting all she needs.   She has some sight and is doing well,and we continue to care for this sweet girl.

 When we take a dog into rescue, we commit to their care-- that means, if they stay, we have on going care expenses.   Ida has volunteered to look into ideas to raise money so that we can continue to take care of these precious dogs.    If you are interested in helping her, she is going to make a private facebook group so that she can share ideas.  (You can respond on this blog, on facebook or by emailing me at  I'm so grateful she is doing this while Jeanne steps back to care for herself.   She has carried this mantle for a long time and we are so grateful.   Soon, we hope, she will be ready to do it again!!


  1. You all are so wonderful - Dog Angels everyone of you!!

  2. I still think of Lexie and what you have done for her. Thank you !
