Wednesday, December 21, 2016


 Bumbles has been with rescue about three weeks.  
 He has settled in to our home and loves to be cuddled.
 He has found toys-- he played for the first time yesterday.
 When you have a foster dog, every new step brings a smile!
 We were going to visit Jane yesterday.  We tried on a Christmas collar.
 You can see how well his eye has healed from what was probably a spider or insect bite.  
 When we arrived at Jane's, she wanted to hold him.
 He loved it!
 He wanted tummy rubs!
 "I love this!"
 He was quite content on her lap.
 Jane gave him some toys-- and he was so happy!!   He immediately began to pull the threads apart!
 I know he will have a lot of toys at his new home.   People have asked if I'm going to keep him.   Even though we fall in love with out fosters, and treat them like our own, we can't keep them all.  He has a home to go to very soon!
Bumbles had a wonderful day, but he came home so he could have a good bath and brushing.   He is having his eye fold (nasal fold) surgery today. His eye folds lay right on his eyes, causing some problems and the surgery will really help him.   I'll let you know how he does!
Linda Maxwell/blogger

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