Tuesday, December 20, 2016


 Sweet Cosmo was adopted 8 years ago when he was a young dog.
 He joined Phyllis' family and had a wonderful life.
 He developed a heart murmur a few years ago, but that is very manageable and he did well.
 His foster mom was (and is) an artist and she painted this wonderful picture of him.   His mom cherishes it now even more than before.
 In early November, Cosmo was diagnosed with cancer.  He was only about 11 years old, but we know cancer doesn't respect age, or anything.   He began chemo.   His mom wanted to give him every chance.
 He fought hard.
 Here he was in the snow last year.
Cosmo was struggling with the cancer-- he was in a lot of pain and he couldn't fight anymore.  With great sadness, his mom let him go to end his suffering.  It was the last act of love she could do for him.   He is now out of pain, running and playing.    You were such a sweet boy and you will be missed so much.   Love sweet boy.
Linda Maxwell/blogger


  1. Bless his precious heart. His mom gave him a beautiful life there is a special place in heaven for ppl Ike her. He will be waiting for her with open paws on the other side of the rainbow bridge...❤������

  2. I am so sorry for your loss of Cosmo ... what a pretty snow Peke he was.
