Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Margie's Pekes are ready for Christmas-- but special prayers are going out to Magoo who has had a lot of medical problems.
Leigh's Dakota is dreaming of Christmas presents-- I bet there will be some special ones!!
Gayle's little one is adorable!!
This is Poochie-- he was from the Bristol 18 rescue we did.  He was with me awhile and now lives a wonderful life with his mom and sister.   He is the sweetest boy!  
Doris made a Christmas photo of her special ones.   I love it.
My Granddog Granger needs some Christmas decorations-- but his tail was so full of static they probably would fly off him!   He'll be here soon for Christmas.
Sophie sent me another picture.  She and her mom are going to have a very special Christmas day.
Kim is with Clarence-- I love his collar!
Sweet Max posed by the Christmas stairs-- he had a rough spell but is doing so much better.   If I could just find families like his for all our fosters, I would be a happy woman!
Sneaky Wu and his mom are so happy to be together.  He has the greatest home-- and he has just been like sunshine in his mom's life.
And one of my favorite boys-- Tyler.   He's a senior now, adopted from us years ago-- but he still tugs at my heart and I just love him.   Merry Christmas sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. I think all these photos are fabulous!!

    *I just love that name "Sneaky Wu" !!!
