Monday, December 19, 2016


Sophie sent me her Christmas picture.  She is READY for Santa to come.
She even had her picture taken with him, and I'm sure she shared secrets with him.
Dolly told Santa all about her wishes.   I'm surprised she didn't climb right into his lap!  (Maybe she did!)  She's not a Peke, but she sure is cute--and sweet!
Nurse Buffy posed near the Christmas tree on her mom's cast.  I think the cast came off and now her mom can get around a little bit better.  Buffy, you tell her to be careful, okay?
Anna posed with some of her presents.   I have not wrapped one single thing-- but I need to.   Christmas is getting close!
Paige and Dani's crew posed together-- they have sent me pictures in the past of all it took to get them together.  Here they were two years ago, showing how hard it is to get one good picture haha.
I wonder how many pictures were taken before this one happened.  I still need to try to get all mine together.  I'm sure it will be a job!

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