Monday, December 26, 2016


We took a lot of Christmas dog pictures-- I would say Peke pictures, but as you can see, Pi is not a Peke.   She's our old granddog-- over 15 now.   I just love her.
Granger (formerly Digger) is living the life.  
He was not crazy about the reindeer antlers-- so he just rolled over in protest.
Gigi was a good sport.   Oh, the humiliation!
Now Kai Kai loved the attention.  He is doing so much better and just wants to be near.    He was "first on the couch" for the group shots.
Then, we added Starlight-- Granger was still there and hung out for awhile.
Yes, I think you're beautiful Starlight.
They were getting bored with it--
and then I added Max.   His hat fell off!
"Really, do I have to put up with this?"
And time to add more dogs....
Where are they?
Chumley joined the group and tolerated the reindeer antlers.
Let's see-- one, two, three, four....
Let's add Floyd.   I put a big ribbon on him.
He just kept rolling over.   I called to him-- dumb thing to do, since he's deaf.
One, two, three, four, five ....
"Get this ribbon off me!"
"Off Now!"
We needed to add Bumbles-- he's not very festive.   I guess I could put red and green on his e-collar, but I decided not to.
Oh, Floyd-- are you done?
They are ready to get down.  
Let's push my luck and put reindeer antlers on Max-- hmmm, he let me!
Bumbles is so sweet.   He is so good with all the dogs and he loved Pi while she was here.
He just sat there while we took pictures.   His little tail would wag....
Now, they're done.  Let's just lay down.
All down except Bumbles..
And now he's down.
It looks like it was "on command" but I was just lucky!
And Kai Kai-- my sweet boy, just waiting patiently for me to take him down.
Can we try antlers on him?   Sure.  He lets me do anything.
I hope you all had a very Merry and wonderful Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so lovely to see Kai Kai and to read he is doing well.
    Oooooo Bumbles .... I want him!!
    All your dogs are just fabulous Linda and they did so well putting up with hats etc. for your great photos!!!
