Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Desise's beautiful Peke-- just "chilling" in the snow.
Nina lives in Canada, so she is all ready for the cold weather.
Lisa is my rescue friend  in California.  She posted some of her foster dogs.   She is instrumental in saving so many in her area!
 Christmas is for dogs and kids!!   Our Bits had a great Christmas.  Beach Bit was thrilled with all Santa brought him-- most of all, a new bike!  There is just something about getting a bike at Christmas.
 And Sugar Bit was amazed-- gifts, pet/vet cart, tent...
 The wonder of seeing things through her eyes is a joy.
 Bumbles and Chumley were ready to nap after Christmas-- all the company and "chaos" and people and things all over the floor.  Time for a nap!
 Cosmo and Penny were ready to nap, too.
And that is what I am going to do this week.   Go to bed early, rest, try to catch up on emails, take care of things I've ignored-- and look forward to the New Year.   What a Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Its been very Hot and HUMID here..... the snow would just melt!! LOL

    Take it easy Linda .... looks like you had a busy time!
