Sunday, January 8, 2017


 Starlight was not impressed with the snow.   The wind kept blowing more snow onto the steps and made huge drifts-- no Peke could make it through until I shoveled it.
 Max didn't mind, he went right out.
 Chumley wanted to "snow" what all that white stuff was!  haha
 He got this far and then stopped.   Later, he did go out and pretend he was Nanook of the North.
 The snow amount wasn't as much as I expected, which was just fine.
 Max was fine with that, too.
 And inside, Starlight found a new hidey hole to rest in.
 It's right over a vent, so it was toasty and felt so good after being outside.
Kai Kai curled up on his bed-- warm and dry.   More snow pictures tomorrow!

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