Saturday, January 7, 2017


 Sweet Albert came to our rescue over a year ago-- he was in very bad shape when we got him and needed surgery.  
 He was older, but incredibly sweet!!   He recovered and was adopted quickly.   I can never guess who will be adopted fast-- but Albert's sweet face drew his new mom to him.
 She adores her sweet boy.
 Albert wanted us to know he was doing great in his new home.
 He even wrote a message to us and here it is:
"Hello everyone, it's me, Albert. This time last year I was found wandering by the side of a highway somewhere near Baltimore. I was cold, hungry, tired and very scared. I had a large tumor on my neck and I was in a lot of pain. Just as I thought the whole world had abandoned me, a very nice lady stopped to pick me up. She took me to the shelter and from there the wonderful people at Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue took me in. I was in a foster home for a little while until mommy and daddy saw my picture on Facebark and came to get me and bring me home. Tonight I'm on candy duty with mommy. I can't believe that all my dreams have come true! Please spread the word, adopt don't shop, and please consider adopting a senior doggy like me. Much love, Albert P."
 His mom posts pictures on "facebark" as Albert calls it.  I love that!
His Christmas was wonderful, and he was warm and snuggly the whole time.  I'm so glad he sent us a message!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Albert ..... you had just the BEST Christmas present in the world- a loving forever home and your new family are sure looking after you now! Fabulous!

    This must make the wonderful people of Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue smile and smile !!

    ** Coco is eyeing off Albert's beautiful green bed by the way!!!
