Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Some form of Camp Runamuck is usually in session since I have two of the grandbits here a lot (they live across the street).   But, big sessions of Camp Runamuck happen when the rest of the Bits come.  We love it!
 The grandbits and their dogs came for the week-end so their mom could have a week-end away just having fun.  Their dad was working, so the Bits and dogs came here.
 Our porch becomes "play central" when the weather is nice.
 "Poppy" always makes pancakes with them.
 Drill Bit and Beach Bit had a dinosaur puzzle-- they loved it!
 Bitty Bit aka The Viking had magnetic "paperdolls"-- a new version of what I played with as a child.
 The boys were so proud!
 Granger-Danger can relax more than any dog I've seen.  He's completely bent around and totally relaxed.  Look for both of his back feet.
 Pi is so sweet-- love this girl.  She's about 15 and one of my favorite dogs ever.
 Max (one of mine) just slept a lot.  He's going on 14, so he just watches the chaos go by.
 Magnetic blocks were out-- building fortresses and houses.
 The girl Bits and I went shopping.  New sweat pants, tops, and of course, lip gloss for all of us.  GiGi is in the background, a sweet Chocolate Lab.
 Oh, my heart.
 Lawson wanted to say hi to Miss Jeanne-- she has been part of his life since he was so small.
 Granger was his bad self, so he wore a belly band here-- his mom (my daughter) calls him the sweetest, bad dog ever.  Yep.  He loves to dig for moles, find holes in the fence, generally find adventures in the yard. haha
He was inside, but he still looked.
 After all the Bits/dogs went home, Max napped more!
 Kai Kai, Floyd and Starlight thought the house became very quiet.
 Chumley looked for "his girl" The Viking.  (Why does his left ear always flap back??)
And then Starlight said, "BLAH!"   My house is back!   For now, Camp Runamuck is closed-- but you know it could open back up at any time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the family looks fighting fit now Linda and I just love that last photo of Starlight. I tell ya...... I would dog nap her!!! LOL
