Tuesday, March 14, 2017


 Tucker came into rescue in 2006.  My friend, Kristi, fostered him.   He had a lot of skin issues and needed time to heal.  He was adopted after he was better and went to live with a new mom.
 A few years ago, we were asked to help him, as his mom was having trouble caring for him.
 Kay and Claretta stepped up and he went to live with them.  After a short time back with his owner, he came back to stay with rescue.  He was in severe condition.  He had been fed a vegetarian diet and that is awful for dogs-- they need meat in their diets.   The vet wasn't sure he was going to make it because his condition was so severe.  But, Kay and Claretta didn't give up.  And neither did Tucker!    He rallied and it was amazing to see this little man (under 11 pounds) come back to life.
 He even celebrated more birthdays with them!!  Birthdays are a big deal at their house, a joyful time for everyone!
Saturday, Tucker seemed his normal happy self, but that evening, he began to get sick.  He was 15, but the change happened so fast.   The vet saw him, gave him fluids and a shot to help him.  He was in kidney failure and he died on his own during the night on Monday.   His moms are so saddened and so are all of us who have followed his journey with them.   He can run free now, play with his friends who are already at the Rainbow Bridge-- I'm sure many of our PVPC rescues greeted him there.   He was greatly loved-- and will be greatly missed.


  1. This was one delightful little boy. He so enjoyed life that he enriched the lives of his whole family. We miss him terribly.

  2. I'm so happy that Tucker had love, good food and the will to come back from his ills. His longevity was proof that he found good and loving people who saw to all of his needs.

  3. I am sad to read this .... Tucker reminded me so much of my Moi Moi ... he was so loved and will be so missed . Beautiful Boy.
