Tuesday, September 12, 2017


 Melinda, in Australia (who comments on my blogs most days as Lady Jicky) liked my "sad faces" blog.
Click here: Must Love Pekes: HAPPY DOGS-- WITH SAD FACES :-)   Click here: Must Love Pekes: MORE HAPPY "SAD" FACES!
 She sent me pictures of her Coco-- with her "sad" faces.   Melinda said the pictures show very upset and MAD faces.  lol
 She said Coco was not amused with the camera being focused on her and she gave a "MAD AS H..." face. LOL   It's winter in Australia and it has been quite cold.   So, Melinda put blankets over and around Coco's crate-- the door is off it, but it still creates a warm spot for Coco to rest in.   Coco has had bronchitis this year, so this helps her.
Coco, and so many Pekes, can have "sad faces" but they are really happy, content dogs.  You are not fooling us, Coco!!

1 comment:

  1. Coco has taken hold of the computer Linda -- OMG that girl is in a mood!!!

    Dear Linda,
    Well..... let me put you straight !!
    They are going off to Queensland for a anniversary holiday on Thursday and they are NOT taking ME.... yes ME!!
    I have to have this "nice lady" visit me and give me my food for 11 days! That Linda is Dog Neglect and I am sure some Judge will give them 10 to 20 years in the clink for it!
    That is why I have a "Mad Face" ... I see the suitcases come out and then that "excuse" of a Mother tries on her swim suits and cries! Goody - too fat ! LOL
    I am calling "60 Minutes" as I type!
    I believe your anniversary is tomorrow and I wish You a lovely day as you are not going away and leaving your Peke's Home Alone ..... or .. are you???? Mmmmmmmmm
    Lots of love,
    Sad, lonely and Neglected Coco
