Friday, September 22, 2017


 Sweet Albert came into rescue almost two years ago, in October 2015.
 We were told he was found wandering on a street and a lady saved him and contacted a shelter.
 He needed rescue, and we were glad to help.  
 Albert had a huge tomato sized tumor near his neck, but the vet was able to remove it and he was fine.   We were thrilled!  Regardless of the life he may have had before, he was so sweet and loving and we wanted to give him a chance at a long life.
 He was in foster care a short time and we had an application for him.   Albert was a senior-- we really did not know his age, but he was older.   My heroes are those who adopt the older ones.   They need and deserve love the same, maybe even more, than the rest.  
 He went to live with Claire and it was the best, most loving time.   He even wrote me an email once.  Here it is:
"Hello everyone, it's me, Albert. This time last year I was found wandering by the side of a highway somewhere near Baltimore. I was cold, hungry, tired and very scared. I had a large tumor on my neck and I was in a lot of pain. Just as I thought the whole world had abandoned me, a very nice lady stopped to pick me up. She took me to the shelter and from there the wonderful people at Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue took me in. I was in a foster home for a little while until mommy and daddy saw my picture on Facebark and came to get me and bring me home. Tonight I'm on candy duty with mommy. I can't believe that all my dreams have come true! Please spread the word, adopt don't shop, and please consider adopting a senior doggy like me. Much love, Albert P."
 He was cherished and cared for.  
 His mom messaged me and let me know he was not doing well.  
 He had lost mobility and could barely get around.  Life was just hard.
His mom was with him as he took his last breath, holding him close.   I'm so sorry he had such a short time with her-- but at least he knew that kind of love.   Run free, now, sweet Albert.   You were loved by many.


  1. Tears but so happy Albert knew love and devotion before he crossed the bridge.

  2. I remember Albert ....... I am so sorry to read this today but Albert finally had love and a family that cared for him so.

    Oh he will be so missed.
