Friday, September 22, 2017


This is Meghann--Linda's oldest daughter.  I hijacked the blog today to give my mom a little rest.  (And also just because I could.)
My baby sister, Molly, broke her arm in a rather spectacular way so I came down to help wrangle toddlers and also do a little housework.  The toddler was more fun (and more exhausting).

As my son used to say "I very love her."

We got a little exercise on the trampoline. Simon didn't know why his napping spot had an earthquake.  

We read stories about Peter Cottontail...

 Chumley just wanted someone to throw his toy.  Over and over and over (he's still going--several hours later). 

 Then Simon and Bella took over story time.   Bella read the left pages and Simon read the right pages.  They make such a great team! (And they have the sweetest little mannerisms--even their barks are sweet!)

Floyd couldn't hear the story anyway (he's deaf) and decided to just take a nap.  

Starlight found a comfortable spot to supervise everyone.  

When Sugar Bit took a nap, I went over to my sister's house to help her and do a little cleaning.  I broke my wrist a year and a half ago and I remember how hard that was!

Her rescue hound, Callie, was exhausted by all the vacuuming I did.  

Leo, her 12-year-old rescue dog won't leave her side.  He is so faithful.

Then, it was time for Beach Bit to come home from school so back over to Moppy's I went. 

 He's definitely my favorite nephew (also, my only nephew--but he hasn't figured that out yet and loves being my "favorite.")  
We had a great time building airports out of his magnet blocks...
 ...Complete with hangers and runways.  

 Then we went outside to play in the sprinkler--just like I remember doing when I was a kid.  

 YAY!!!! Daddy's home! 

My sister still has a lot of healing to do, but hopefully I gave her and my mom a little help today. 

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