Wednesday, September 20, 2017


 I so did not want to write this blog.   Oreo became special to me after his mom, Michelle, and I became friends.   We both had blind dogs, and so we had a bond.   Here is a blog I did on him in March:  Click here: Must Love Pekes: OREO THE BLIND PEKE
 Last week, Oreo began to have some issues.   The vet thought he hurt his back.
 Michelle took him back for a recheck because he was getting worse.  
 Even though Oreo was blind, he had done well.  But, now he was crying softly and walking in circles.   The vet suspected a brain tumor.   Michelle was at the vet three times in five days.  She was doing all she could for him.    Oreo was only seven years old.
Michelle has been battling cancer and going through treatments.  Oreo was a bright part of her life and gave her so much joy.  But, today, she had to let him go.  There was nothing else that could be done for him.  Pray for Michelle-- she will miss her precious boy.  


  1. Prayers for Michelle for loss of her baby. And for you're battle with cancer.

  2. Im so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful boy. Prayers for you and your family. R.I.P Oreo run free little one Praying for you Michelle during your time of loss and your battle.

  3. I am so very sad to read this Michelle .
    You and Oreo are in my prayers.
