Monday, September 18, 2017


 Merit came into rescue in November of 2009.   He was one of the ten puppy mill dogs we took in.
 We gave them names of encouragement-- Noble, Lily Faith, Hope, Joy, Chance, Amazing and Grace..... to name a few.  Lily Faith and Nobel are still alive and are 16 years old now.   Even though this group had been so mistreated, they were amazingly sweet.
 Paige fostered Merit and ended up adopting him.
 He fit right into their home.  He helped with laundry.
 He helped clean the dishes.  He was so talented.
 I called him "the polka dog Peke."
He was about five years old when we got him, so he was 14 years old.
 He lived a long and happy life after the puppy mill.  
 He lived a wonderful life with Paige and Dani.    He was loved.  
Run free now, sweet little man!