Saturday, November 18, 2017


Bridget came into rescue last May.   
She was turned into a shelter by her owner -- she was about 14 years old.    We were asked if we would help and we said YES!   Transport was set up and the Pekingese Railroad was in action. 
She was in a foster home near me, and they loved her.  But, they wanted her to have a forever home if we could find one.   We received a wonderful application for her.   I love the seniors and I love people who will adopt seniors!   
I picked Bridget up so she could stay the night with me.   I decided to give her a spa treatment. 
She was bathed and cream rinsed and she was so good!   I used Pantene cream rinse so she smelled delicious!  (I have a Pekingese size sink-- a must!)
She found an open kennel in the laundry room-- she loved it, but didn't stay there long. 
I dried her and brushed her and put on a new name tag, a new collar, a new harness and a fancy leash-- thank you to all who donate to me! 
She explored the yard. 
And yesterday morning, we were off to meet her new mom.
"Are we there yet?"
She was so good in the car!
Her new mom was thrilled to meet her and fell in love the moment she saw her.   Now Bridget is off to her new life and her forever home.   SENIORS ROCK!!!


  1. So happy for Ms Bridget...... looking good after that spa too !!!

    Linda ..... I know you can not use human shampoo on dogs but I see we can use human conditioner???
    Would love to know what things for humans can be safely used on doggies :)

  2. We use Johnson's baby shampoo and tangle/conditioner on our Fur Babies and none of our three have any skin problems from it. Their fur is soft and shiny especially the two that have very thick undercoats. Our Bandit doesn't have an undercoat so his fur always looks beautiful but the other two are great big balls of fur when their coats grow out from summer cuts.

  3. Oh that is good to know Lost Earring !!! Thanks :)
