Friday, March 8, 2019


 The Bristol 18 rescue in 2010 had two puppies-- later known as Colby and Carter.
 They were found with their mom, Brandy, in deplorable conditions.  How they survived at all was a mystery.
 This is part of how they lived.
 But, Carter and Colby quickly learned what being clean was like. What being fed and safe and warm and loved was like. 
 They lived at Jeanne's house after the rescue and tried to get Didi to play with them.
 Rosebud/Arby was there, too.  She thought they were adorable. 
 "Can we get out of here?" 
 They both hung out with Hannah also.  (Hannah and Carter- and Jill Lee- are still with Jeanne's husband, Bill, who adores them.)
 They were both adorable, and Tracey came up one day to get one for fostering. 
 They took Colby home with them, along with their new foster dog. 
 Here he was with Noelle, who was adopted shortly after this.
 Colby was very curious-- he wanted to help with everything.
 When Colby was a puppy, he stole everyone's heart-- well, except for Shadow.  Colby kept trying to steal his bone.  Imagine!  LOL
 He has always been a big helper-- he's stripping the bed here.
 He was adored by his human sister.
 He liked to check on the neighbors--- there might be a burglar over there.  Are you Peking/Peeking??
 He "posed" with his siblings.  I think he was really just falling asleep.  Pollyanna, on the left, was his best friend.  She passed away, and is missed so much.  Now he loves Camden and Macy. 
 He loved hanging out at the door with Macy.
He continued to entertain his mom and siblings.  He is a sweet boy, and is now 8 1/2 years old.   He is one cute Peke!! 


  1. Oh yes... he is one cute peke! :)

  2. Thankyou for honoring my sweet boy. I adore him so much!

  3. What a great pick-me-up story. I'm in love with Colby now. Such a cutie and what a better and new life the Bristol kids got.
