Saturday, March 9, 2019


 Cami Bear came into rescue in 2013.  He was in a shelter near me, and about 7 at the time.
 He was a tiny one-- 9-10 pounds.
 He was a beautiful boy-- a stunning black and gray.
 His owner stayed in touch with me, and asked if I would take him back if something happened to her.    I never thought it would be needed. 
 His owner passed away and Cami Bear came back a week and a half ago.  He was coughing a lot, so we went straight to the vet. 
 He had antibiotics and cough meds.   I brought him home to meet my gang.
 He was curious about the Bits here, and did fine with the other dogs.
 He hung out with us and the toys.
 He curled up in a big dog bed that could have fit in two or three of him.
 I love this picture of Cami Bear and my Max-- it is such a sweet one.  Two old gentlemen.
 Cami Bear was still coughing, so I kept him in a playpen in our room where I could listen during the night in case he had trouble.
 At one point, he even went and curled up with Max-- and Max didn't mind.  That's very unusual for Max, so I took notice.
 He curled up with Paddington, too.
 He curled up by himself.
 He was so docile and sweet.   I could pick him up with one hand, he was so small.
 Even though he was on medication, his cough began to get worse.  He was having more trouble breathing.
 So, I took him back to the vet.  My vet is open all the time, and I took him Sunday evening.  I was getting very concerned.  I thought he might just need nebulizing treatment-- but it was so much more serious. 
 He was put into an oxygen cage, and monitored constantly.
 I went to visit him, and he opened his eyes as I talked to him.
 Machines were going for oxygen, monitors were hanging in his cage, he had a vet and a tech assigned to him to watch him all the time.
 But, even though medications were added, and nebulizing was done to help him breathe, he continued to decline.  I was called Tuesday morning and I rushed over.   He was not doing well.   I got there in time to hold him as he breathed his last breath.  I'm so glad I could hold him as he went from my arms to God's arms.
 He was a precious little boy.  But, he was sick when he came to us, and we just couldn't make him better.  He had lived with a heavy  smoker and I didn't realize this.  Second hand smoke is very detrimental to a dog's health.  It is especially hard for the flat-faced dogs.   
 You were loved here, Cami Bear.  You were not here long, but it was long enough to fall in love with you again.
His box is so tiny, because he was a tiny boy.  But, he was loved BIG.  Run free now, sweet boy. 


  1. Oh Cami Bear reminded me of Moi Moi .... she was in a oxygen tent but .....

    Run free you handsome Cami Bear and play with Moi Moi at the Rainbow Bridge.

  2. I followed your posts with Cami Bear everyday, I will miss reading about him. He was simply precious. Rest easy Cami Bear. God bless you for all that you do for so many .

  3. I never met you, tiny one. But I loved you. I prayed for you and I was crushed to hear you were gone. That’s the sad part of the passage. You’re whole and healthy, running free. We are left to grieve. It’s a selfish love we have.....see you at the Bridge, little one. But I bet you’re a giant in His kingdom!

  4. I had to put off reading the blog today until later in the day when I felt I could read it without crying. My heart just seems to zing on the little sick ones as they fight to stay alive and when is lost I cry along with Linda who has seen so many losses already.

    Now Cami Bear is free of pain and illness which is comfort of sorts,

  5. so beautiful. bittersweet story. he did not last long without his second owner, and he died with you - the person who gave him a second chance. =.( that second hand smoke is no joke. beautiful pekingese. when he came back to you he was gray !!!! so cute.
