Saturday, March 23, 2019


 I met someone through rescue and she just adopted a dog from group in her area.  She shared pictures with me.  This is Chelsea.  Look at that underbite! 
 She is a very bright Peke who even wrote a note to her "minions"-- so talented!  Here's part of it:
" I bring news from the royal throne. Foster Mom..  took me to meet some new peasants who were agreeable to me taking over as Queen of their manor. They bring me offerings of snacks, new toys, and other dogs to play with. ... I am fitting in as well as can be expected. They are taking their time to learn how I like to be handled. My reputation proceeded me though, so they were prepared - good humans." 
I love seeing Pekes find their new home.  She looks like she is a very happy girl!! 


  1. Chelsea ... the "Emperor of Australia - Yum Yum " has a few hints for you ..... I am dictating for him... his paws are sore today.
    Here goes -

    "Dear Empress Chelsea,
    You can boss them all around as much as you like but ..... take it easy for you do not want to be known as the "Dragon Lady" .... just saying girlfriend - Woof! "

    I have to say .... that is good coming from him who rules the roost here !!! LOL

  2. What a grand way to start the weekend. A new Empress/Queen ready to assume the throne in her very own kingdom with willing slaves and serfs to carry out her every demand.

    Of course, I'm betting that Empress Chelsea will run with a soft paw after establishing herself as Ruler.

    Hello, your Highness Chelsea.
