Friday, March 22, 2019


 Panda belongs to a friend of mine.  We met five years ago when she adopted a Peke from us.   Koko was a beautiful Peke, but she had IMHA like Lexie, BeeBee and Nala.   When I got an email about Panda needing a home, I thought of them. 
 Panda may be the smallest one there, but she lets Nunzio know who is boss.
 Panda was willing to share a chair with Maggie Mae-- she gave her permission. 
 Nunzio hung out by himself on the couch-- I guess Panda didn't want to be there LOL.
 Maggie Mae-- where's your buddy?
 Did I say Panda was in charge?  Look who has the big bed.  Oh my!
 Panda loves her home, and her daddy is her favorite person. 
Panda, you are a beautiful girl and so lucky to have your special family!


  1. Well..... Panda has really taken over .... like all good Peke's do !!! LOL

  2. Panda said it is a lot of work to keep everyone in line but someone has to do it. She can’t help wondering how we made it this far without her. And actually we don’t know either.
