Tuesday, April 9, 2019


 I took Marshmallow on an adventure this week-end.   We met Granger-- who was less than pleased.
 Gigi was there, too. 
 They all checked each other out.
 Marshmallow was so happy-- he's just HAPPY!
 Granger-- "who IS that?!"
 Marshmallow loves to be on your lap.
 He loves other dogs.  He loves kids.
 Is he perfect?  No.  He has separation anxiety.   He is learning to eat dog food, which I am mixing with rice, just to get him to eat.  He needs to gain a little, and is making progress.
 And Granger stared at him.  LOL
 And pouted.
 And then we went to the Jamestown area-- near the historic settlement.
 There were kids and dogs, and lots of people.
 It was by a lake.
 "I love this!" he said.
 He wanted to meet everyone.   Children came over and asked if they could pet him and I let them-- with care and control just in case.  He did fine.
 And it was time to leave and we said good-bye to Granger and Gigi and my daughter.
 "This is so much fun-- do we have to go?"
He sat on my lap and helped navigate home.   He meets someone this week to see if their home is a good fit for him.   I'll be very sorry to see this sweet boy leave.


  1. I love just about every Must Love Pekes story except the sad ones when one of the rescues passes away but comfort myself with the knowledge that those rescues were able to have a good and happy life because they were rescued and found Furever Homes.

    Today's story is one that I love. The new kid on the block Marshmallow got to meet Granger who is quite the character on his own and probably would even make a very good book based on his adventures and wily nature.

    I'm not sure how the author manages to fit in her blog in her busy life but I'm sure glad she does.

  2. Oh he is such a sweetie!
    I hope its a good match Linda and he finds a forever home :)
