Monday, April 8, 2019


Nicholas-- I'm adding him.  How could I forget this sweet boy!!   He was turned into the shelter because his owners lost their home.  We let them know he is doing great and he is such a sweet, loving boy.  Yes, he's a senior, just turning 12 in January, but if you want to have a cuddler, he's the one! 
We have some great dogs in rescue!!  Ammo is 8 and LOVES to play.   What is your ideal Pekingese? Curious?   Me.  Glad to see you when you come home?  Also me. House trained? Me again. I even go to the door and bark softly when I need to go outside.   I'm Ammo. I've been called a handsome little guy--and I am! I'm quiet and good-natured, but I don't want to be around any small children. I like hanging out with my foster dad a lot. Yes, I'm a pretty good companion if I do say so myself. My wish list: regular walks, a fenced yard and outdoor playtime.  He would not be great for someone who is away all day because he would be too stressed.
I'm Bellamy.  I love to snuggle. I'm very affectionate and I give kisses! Here's something else you should know about me: I am an easy-going little cuddle bug, and I like people and playing with other small dogs. I also love to ride in the car and go for walks.  But guess what? I am also an adventurer and a fast runner. So if you want me to be part of your family, you're going to need a secure fenced yard and a vigilant eye. Trust me, I'm worth it!  I'm must have a playmate because I'm young and have a lot of energy.    Since children open doors without thinking, Bellamy should be in an adult only home.
I enjoyed a long, happy life with my previous owner; I was even in his wedding. But tough times visited us, and he knew he couldn't take care of me. That's how I came to rescue. So yes, I'm a healthy senior citizen, one looking for a new home this late in my life.  I love my creature comforts: belly rubs, delicious meals, watching television with my people, taking a long nap in my favorite blankets. But I'm not a couch potato, I love to go outside when it's warm, so if you have a fenced yard, wouldn't you like to share it?   I wear a belly band in the house just in case--- I need eye drops twice a day, but am pretty mellow.
Beautiful ChiChi is one of our forever fosters-- she's about 16 so we are letting her live out her life with Robin, our club president.  Isn't she stunning?!
I see that Nicholas described himself as sweet. I'm sweeter. Ammo says he's good-natured; I'm very good-natured. Bellamy called himself an adventurer, but I go camping with my foster family and I love it. Bugsy says he likes belly rubs. I like them more.  Yes, I'm special. Sweet, good-natured, happy outdoors, enthusiastic about belly rubs and toys, loving. I'd say they saved the best Peke for last in this section of the newsletter. If you need someone to love, won't you give me a chance to join your family?  I must have a yard to run in and a friend to play with. 
Leann is another forever foster-- she's also an older girl and so loving-- but she's a senior who just needed a place to live out her life and have medical care, so we are giving her that.
Piper and Paddington.  What a pair-- they're so sweet and LOVE to play.   A few more vet checks and we'll be ready to be adopted.    We are working on house training and they are doing so much better.
Furby is Rocky's dad, and they love each other so much.   But, Furby has cancer on his leg, so he is staying in rescue.   That means his son will need to be adopted on his own and not as a pair.   We feel sorry for this sweet pair, but Rocky is so healthy, we want him to have a forever home.
Princess Kent-- another forever foster.  She's over 16, and getting medical care to keep her comfortable.
BG is on heart meds and is staying in rescue.  You see, when a dog comes to us, some need to stay in our care because of their health and we are committed to do that-- yes, we have a lot of medical dogs, but it's part of rescue.   
These dogs-- all of them-- aren't broken.   They have come to us for various reasons, and we love them all. 
Of course, I can't forget Marshmallow-- he's brand new to rescue and only 2 years old.  He is just about perfect!!   Oh my, I may shed tears when he leaves for a new home.    That's rescue!


  1. It's impossible to pick out a favorite here. Every one of them represents the Peke spirit and
    loving personality.

  2. They are all wonderful and what a choice to have if you are hoping to adopt a dog - especially a Pekingese.

    I am doing a huge Adoption Dance for them all right now Linda !!!
