Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Bugsy came into rescue last fall when his owner had health issues that meant he could no longer care for him. 
Bugsy was an older dog-- about 14.   He had eye issues that were helped when he was started on eye drops.  His eyes are so much better now.
He came to our house on his way for his vet visit.  He is a little "gimpy" with his back legs, but he continues on, not letting it get in his way.  He is on Dasuquin which helps a lot.
He enjoys being loved on and adores his foster mom, Nikki.
Just look at that smile when she holds him.
He met Paddington and Piper. 
There was a lot of tail wagging. 
He checked out Sugar Bit's car and house.   She has quite an estate in the back yard. 
Even Kai Kai came out to meet him.
Paddington hogged the photo time-- yes, he's always up for a belly rub.
Minnie wanted to meet Bugsy also.  So many sweet seniors in my yard at one time.
And then, it was time to go.  Thank you for coming Bugsy!!  He is available for adoption, a special sweet senior.  If you are interested in him, just fill out this application: 
Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Online Application adopt

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bugsy .... you are so adorable !

    Ok ..... here comes an Adoption Dance for sweet smiling Bugsy !!!!
