Monday, May 13, 2019


 Mr. Petey heard that we were having company for Mother's Day.  So, he had a bath and had the zoomies after that!  He may have a bad, shattered leg, but he is amazing!
 Piper was less excited-- "Oh, more coming? Okay."
 Sugar Bit was excited-- she loves her cousins!
 The hanging swing on the porch is a big hit-- and has been for years.   Since the ceiling is high, that swing is like a circus swing!  It doesn't matter what season it is, the swing is in use.   In fact, the main swing is hanging on the chair-- it's like a giant tent, and I have to mend it, so I put up a hammock and it is a great substitute.
 My oldest Bit got a kiss right on the mouth from Paddington-- he was so proud.
 Gigi was here and Paddington said, "Did you see that big dog!?"
 Paddington got along with all of them-- kids, dogs....  He is the youngest here, he just turned 3 years old.
 Kai Kai took a little snooze with one of the Bits.
 And Max rested most of the time.  He is still wagging his tail and I'm excited when he eats some.  He is in kidney failure, but every bite I can get in him makes me happy.   He's lost three pounds, but he's still excited in the morning.
 Mr. Petey wanted to boss them, but he was good with everyone.
 At least, I think he was.  LOL  Oh, that face!
 No, Piper didn't get any flank steak, but he wanted some.
 Chumley was moving in all the pics I took of him. 
 Slow down!
 Granger (aka Granger Danger, my granddog) explored the yard, met all the dogs and then found a place out of the way.  Camp Runamuck can be a dangerous place!
And I mentioned the swing was a favorite-- so they laid down to see if the swing would go over them.  Swing high!!
I missed my youngest daughter though.  Her kids were here, but she was in Cape Town!   She teaches there in the summer for a few weeks and she was having a great time.  We did talk and I was happy-- my life is so blessed!  I hope all of you had a great Mother's Day-- well, the women at least! (The men have their own day later haha.)


  1. A very busy Mothers Day at Camp Runamuck !

    I am sure you had a lovely day .

  2. I am so tickled to read your captions under the photos - you capture their personalities in the funniest way! What a fun day that must have been!
