Wednesday, July 17, 2019


 Buffy is enjoying the summer-- she mostly stays inside but she does go out with her mom and dad occasionally.  Wow, it's bright. :-)
 Buffy was about one when she came into rescue in 2009.  She was in danger and a group out of state asked if I'd take her if they could get her to me.  There were reasons Buffy needed to leave that area, so we said YES.
 I had an immediate adopter for her-- Ollie's mom and dad who were wonderful parents.
 Buffy has wanted for NOTHING since they got her.  She has a diva bed.
 And other beds, too, but at night, guess where she is.
 She is about 11 now, but looks so young.
 And her beautiful harnesses!!  She's always stunning.   I'm so glad you traveled to come to Virginia for a home!! 

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