Thursday, July 18, 2019


 Granger is my granddog so he comes to my house often.  He is used to us and the yard and the dogs.....
 His mom and dad are letting him visit us so they can all have fun.
 Granger rode down and he loves the car.
 What are we doing?
 He has to wear a belly band-- that's why we call him "the best bad dog ever."  😉
 He quickly found the stool so he could watch out the window....
 which he did when I was mowing the yard.
 Paddington and Piper supervised from the door.
 Those big eyes didn't get him any of our dinner.   Nope, no one gets table food. 
 He even sat up-- still no food.   We are so mean.   (We have too many on special diets here and some with sensitive stomachs so no one gets table treats.)
 He moved to the chair-- still no food.  He eats with his bowl on the floor like the rest of them.
 He told us off by sleeping on the kitchen table.   He was welcome upstairs on the bed, which he does some, but he was too funny doing this.  My husband woke him up when he came down in the morning.  LOL
The first night, he found our shower had a cool floor and he slept there awhile-- until we turned it on.  He was fast as lightning getting out.  (not really, we called him out first)
Oh the face!  How does his mom stand it.  💙   He's having fun here, playing with Piper and Paddington.  We're so glad he's visiting! 


  1. Oh that Granger is one beautiful snowball :)

  2. He’s adorable and you can tell he comes with a big personality!!! Just like most Pekes!

  3. Granger is such a character. I bet he spent the night on the kitchen table hoping he would get some breakfast. You are rotten Granger!
