Wednesday, August 7, 2019


 Max came into rescue in October of 2008-- almost 11 years ago. 
 He is turning 16 today!
 He came with his sister, Maggie, and they were both with me over 10 months.   Maggie was adopted, so we kept Max with us.  He was already part of the pack and comfortable here.  (Maggie had a great home and died over a year and a half ago-- we stayed in touch.)
 He loved his little tennis balls-- he always played with them.
 He loved being on the ottoman to look out the window. 
 Toys-- yes, he loved toys!
 He walked the entire perimeter of the yard each time he went out-- starting on the Pekingese Pathway-- it's been used by so many Pekingese.  Yesterday, he walked the entire yard again.  Just a bit slower.  💙
 He loved all the seasons, and he enjoyed laying down in a certain spot in the yard.   In the warm weather, I don't let him do it now.  He's too old for that now.  The heat is too much.
 He has been around all the grandkids and even though his nick name was Mr. Grumpy, he never bit anyone.
 As he got older, he slowed down, he stopped playing.  And he could no longer get on his beloved ottoman.   It was okay.  There are plenty of beds around. 
Max is in kidney failure, but he's still eating and drinking and he has sub-q fluids several times a week.   He's lost weight, but that doesn't stop him from going up and down the five steps to the yard by himself.  I carry him sometimes, which he isn't crazy about.  He would rather do it himself.   He is still that independent boy who came to us 11 years ago.  Just a lot grayer. His new nick name is The Old Gentleman.   Happy Birthday, sweet boy!! 


  1. Happy Birthday to the Old Gentleman Max !!!!

    Lots of kisses and I hope you have something yummy for your special day :)


  2. Love to you Max. We oldsters and Senior have to stick together. Happy Birthday you sweet boy.

  3. Happy Birthday Max from our grumbling old lady Lily, our little lost old man Brody, and the social media star, Abner. ❤❤❤
