Friday, February 21, 2020


 Abner says, "You got the title wrong!"  It was National LOVE Your Pet Day yesterday.  I know that.  So, today is National HUG your pet day.   LOL
 Mr Rooney (Andy) is adored by his owner and gets lots of hugs.
 Buffy is so sweet and she would let anyone hug her.
 Crosby is SO sweet-- and boy, does he love toys!
 Daisy is Rich's sweet Peke.  She's a beauty!
 Edna's Peke in Tennessee gets many hugs.
 Patches receives a lot of hugs.  Her mom had shoulder surgery and I am sure that Patches is keeping her company and being her nurse.
Granger-- what can I say about my granddog-- he's a mess.   He's entertaining.  He loves boxes.  He loves walks.  And he LOVES hugs.   So, HUG your pet today!!  I will!  (Post pictures of your huggable pets.) 

1 comment:

  1. I did not know of that day but ..... I am giving Yum Yum a hug right now!!!
