Friday, March 20, 2020


 Little ones like Clara still have to visit the vet for care, so how do we handle it w the COVID-19 situation.
 I drive to the vet and call them from the parking lot.  They came out to get her  
 And then they brought her back, including Mitzi’s medicines that I ordered.
 Then we came home and Clara rolled around happily.
 The warmth and sunshine felt so good.
We have health restrictions but we can still be outside safely.  We can smile as we watch these little ones play and enjoy life.   What are things you are doing during this time?

1 comment:

  1. I have not been to the Vet so I do not know what they are doing with their customers and pets but I know my husband and I are trying to stay safe and keep calm.

    Yum Yum is self isolating in his kennel :) .....comes out for food !!!
