Thursday, March 19, 2020


COVID-19 has impacted most of us in some way.  If you have children in your life, they are home now from school.   Many stores are closed, and we aren't supposed to go anywhere. 
(I'm not trying to make light of this situation, but I hope to brighten your spirits, so please read this blog in that light.)
  Granger says, "I just want to go outside."
Most of you know that I take care of two of my grandchildren.  Now I've added "teacher" to my day.   (I have an M.Ed. but I haven't taught for YEARS.)   I guess I'm also the principal, janitor, cafeteria worker..... And yet, I still get no pay.  HMMMM.
The vets are still open, but many rules have changed.   I was still able to take in Mitsy for an exam and I'm so glad.  She received an antibiotic shot and now we will go on the schedule for her needed surgeries.  She is calming down, is more relaxed, wags her tail.   (She isn't bothered by the other dogs, totally non alpha.)
Clara is helping me as I work.   Many vet clinics are asking you to change your appointment if you are sick, or coughing.   That's just good protocol.   One clinic sent out an email for you to call from the parking lot and tell them you are there.   When it is time, if you don't want to come in, they will come get your dogs, do the exam, and then bring the dog back.   So, if your pet is ill, they can still get help.  Some clinics are asking you to remain in your car and they will get the dog for the appointment.   They are just all trying to stay safe, for themselves and for you, too.
 Many of our dogs are thrilled we are home more-- like Buffy!   Of course, she's rarely alone, but I know some doggy moms/dads are now working from home.  YIPPEE say the dogs.
 The WHO (World Health Organization) says there is no evidence that our pets can be effected by or spread this virus.   Thea knew that already. 
Monk, Luna and Nippy don't believe in social distancing.  They're in their own house, of course.   But, they're not distancing themselves from their mom-- they're watching her every move.   
 What can you do during this time?   Lots of suggestions are on line.  But, here are a few.   Write a note to someone you like -you know, someone you live with.  My grandson wrote this.
Read books-- by yourself, or to children.  Like this one-- we love it.   Or better yet, have Betty White read it to them.  Harry the Dirty Dog read by Betty White - YouTube
Go outside and play in the snow.  Wait, winter forgot to come this year.  Go outside anyway! 
ChiChi says, "just sit with me."  Good idea!   Spend time with your pets, your kids, your neighbors (from a distance).   Call a friend, or send a long email.   Catch up on things you're too busy to do because you're never home. 
Spend time outside with your pets.  Enjoy the sunshine.  Enjoy just being able to not be going going going all the time. 
Be happy.  Paddington surely is!   
This is a hard season for many, so think of them, pray for them, help them in ways that you can.   It's a time in our country (the world!) where things are different.  Life is still precious. 💗

1 comment:

  1. In Australia some schools are still open (my grandkids still go but it could be closed soon - not sure ) but many parents are pulling the kids out.

    You must stay home if you are coming back from overseas or if you have a cold. As of today 19th of March we have 5 deaths - all elderly.

    I do not know what my Vet is doing as ... touch wood... I do not need to go there with Yum Yum .

    People are going nuts .... buying up pasta, flour , hand washes and , of course, toilet rolls!

    Thank goodness Yum Yum does not need toilet paper !!!
    Can you imagine the mucho rolls you would go through in a day at your place Linda if doggies needed toilet paper too !!! lol

    No one has the toilet rolls and the fights and the huge lines - Nuts !
    I was at the supermarket today and there was no toilet rolls , no meat , no tissues, no pasta , no hand washes and the pet food is going down too!!

    Oh .... if you have a cat ... there was No Kitty Litter!!!

    People are hiring little buses and going off to the country to raid the supermarkets there!!! Honestly I just wonder - What's Next????

    Settle down and cuddle a Peke ! :)
