Monday, April 27, 2020


I am back.  I had a personal situation and needed to step back.  Look who kept me company.
Mitsy and Clara stayed close as I rested. 
Piper stayed near or on my lap. My little caregiver. 
And to add to everything, Chumley had another episode of HGE.  Of course, it was Saturday.  The busiest day to show up with no appointment.  But, my husband was a trooper and took Chumley so I could keep resting.  When Chumley came home, Paddington was SO concerned and kept hovering near him. Chumley wasn’t amused and he barked at him. 🤣
Piper and Clara were touching as we just stepped back to rest.  Little things like this bring a smile to my  heart. 
Clara made my heart smile by eating more.   It's hard to keep weight on her and to keep her hydrated.
Piper watched over her--hoping she would leave some for him.
Then, Minnie showed up and Piper moved closer for a better look.  But, Clara ate it all.  
Mitsy stayed close, too.  She is my little buddy now.  She has one more check up and then she will go to her new home with a wonderful previous adopter.  She will have all the love she needs.  I know she will adjust because she has come so far here.  Will I miss her?  You bet!  But, it means I will have room to foster another. 
I spent some time on the porch-- so I was followed by Clara and Minnie.
And Mitsy continued to watch over me.  She really wanted up on the bed.  I let her for awhile.   Everyone can't sleep up there all night or I'll have to climb into the doggy bed. 
Clara curled up for awhile, too, before going into her playpen for the night.   She has fallen off the bed, so she can't stay with us all night-- safety first!
Piper stays close.   Sometimes, he lays over my lap, making sure I am okay.   I'm doing better.  Thank you for praying while I took time to step back.  You are all the best!

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